Thursday, November 19, 2015

Virtual Reality. . .

     Virtual Reality? Something I've basically always wondered about. The whole how it works and well basically why do we even use it, but now an even more important question. Can it revolutionize live theater? Well, people over at the Disney live-theater decided to start taking that question into consideration on Wednesday, November 17. It was then noted that the Disney Theatrical Production stated that they were going to release a short VR ( virtual reality) of the famous " Circle of Life" opening number from The Lion King. 
     Not going to life as I was reading this I kind of screamed because The Lion King is my absolute favorite Disney movie ever, and I can't wait hoe they are going to present this and how it's all going to look once it's done. 
      This pretty much caused me to kind of wonder how the whole live plays are going to react to this VR, and how about the money they are going to be losing when people start to watch these new VR rather than going to see the live action version. Or will this not even have and impact on what the live plays make since I'm sure people will still want to watch things live than just seeing some images on a screen.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Home Helped DreamWorks Animation Growth

     During it's third quarter DreamWorks Animation experienced a $3.5 million loss, however when its latest animation movie came out, "Home", there was a sharp increase in revenues. The Glendale- based studio says that the loss was due to many layoffs that happened earlier this year since there was also several box office flops. 
     Dream Works was able to generate a whooping $50.7 million in its third quarter, because of the boost it got from the home video sales of "Home". This was a big jump from their $14.3 million last year. Personally its pretty great to hear how one movie can have such an impact on a company. 
    I found this interesting possibly due to the fact that I absolutely love this movie so when I read it helped increase revenues I was pretty happy. Plus animated movies are my favorite so i'm excited to see what else DreamWorks has in store for the future. But I wonder how this one movie had such a big impact on this company.