Thursday, September 17, 2015


Microsoft has found a way to blend real life with holographic virtual reality, and is now calling it HoloLens, which is said to be coming out in the year 2020. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "We had digitalized the real world", and also proclaims that " This is a place where digital output is mixed with the real world- that's why we call it the mixed reality." What really caught my eye in this article is that it got me thinking? Hmm you mix reality and holographs? Like that's pretty damn cool, well at least in my opinion. I'm actually really curious as to how this will all turn out, like this is a pretty cool advancement in our technology and it makes me wonder what else can we come up with. Now that they have this pretty interesting idea how are they going to manage to pull it off? How much is it actually going to cost to make something of that sort? 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Apple Tv?


The main idea in this article is Apple TV taking over the future of television. Apple Inc.'s digital streaming device has pretty much been successful since it came out, but now that they revamped it Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook is declaring it the "future of television". The new Apple TV takes on what other competitors do, brings it all together and adds more functionality. Angelo Zino, an analyst at S&P Capital IQ says, "What they're doing now is great in the form of them making greater penetration into living rooms. I think they nailed it". Not only does the new Apple TV come with an improved remote, but you are now also able to use Siri. I for one found this very interesting since I own Apple TV, and I LOVE IT. Right when I heard about Apple coming out with a new Apple TV I had to do some research, and that was when I came across this article. This has a pretty big impact on me or anyone who enjoys watching T.V. , because this will possibly change how we view our T.V. I to be honest don't watch anything on cable T.V. I'm always on Apple TV, so I'm pretty excited to see how it all turns out. Even though I enjoy Apple TV Im still left wondering how those big cable companies are going to react when they hear about Apple TV becoming the "future of television"? Will they do anything to make sure people don't completely pull the plug on them? I mean I have a feeling people will still watch T.V, but will these cable companies feel threatened at all?