Thursday, September 17, 2015


Microsoft has found a way to blend real life with holographic virtual reality, and is now calling it HoloLens, which is said to be coming out in the year 2020. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says, "We had digitalized the real world", and also proclaims that " This is a place where digital output is mixed with the real world- that's why we call it the mixed reality." What really caught my eye in this article is that it got me thinking? Hmm you mix reality and holographs? Like that's pretty damn cool, well at least in my opinion. I'm actually really curious as to how this will all turn out, like this is a pretty cool advancement in our technology and it makes me wonder what else can we come up with. Now that they have this pretty interesting idea how are they going to manage to pull it off? How much is it actually going to cost to make something of that sort? 


  1. This is really cool, but I'm guessing it's going to be expensive.

  2. I feel like this is a cool concept but I feel like it's unnecessary and are people even going to like it?

  3. It's easy to question the cost or benefit of something, but technology won't get anywhere without someone pushing the boundaries. It takes a crazy idea that people don't believe can catch on for technological progress to be made. Or Apple can do the same thing as Microsoft and get praised for it... Either way today's crazy ideas might be tomorrow's norm.

  4. I think the HoloLens will be an interesting item to see. It might not be very popular because the oculus drift didn't take off due to the high price.

  5. This sounds like something a lot of people would be interested in when it's released. It's like one of those "I have to have it" things that I'm sure everyone would want, but not everyone could afford. The technological advances that would be needed for the invention I'm sure will cost a lot more than a pretty penny.
